I was hacked last month and had a simple password for my name which
is internal and only seen here in my room or, I forgot, a person using
ssh. This German hacker just turned on my firefox web browser several
times to a German web page that never fully loads up. I was happy
because he could have done something worse.
Well he did. While using the web browser it would sudden change to a
full screen colored thing and my mouse and keyboard stopped working.
Today I went to the source of my Firefox and it is at
/home/karl/work/firefox/. There are about 30 files there and I studied
them and there were two that looked odd. I did ls -al and found they
were made the same day I was hacked! Then looked and they were
exicutables and I deleted both. This seems to have stopped this problem.
Time will tell but it is just like the German's to do this kind of
thing. It hurts and they don't give a crap.
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User
#450462 http://counter.li.org.