Subject: Re: How to force a (SATA) drive to be sda and the PATA one, sdb

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Alfredo Ferrari wrote:

Thanks a lot for the answer. I tried to work with the initial ramdisk, I
managed to edit the init and, sigh, there is no ide module loaded,
apparently the libata + ata_piix do both PATA and SATA in recent kernels,
so apparently there is no obvious way to get the disks in the "right"
order. Googling a bit I found other people complaining that PATA's are
recognized before SATA's now... so I am still with my problem.
Labels are fine for ext3 partition and no automount, while I have Windows
partitions as well, and a lot of partition with automount (just because
the second disk is there sometimes yes sometimes no)

Well, I'm glad to know that I',m not the only one hurting...although my problem was the opposite way round. A PATA drive which I wanted to boot from, and 2 SATA drives as data drives. This on Fedora 8 rc2.
I was eventually able to get the BIOS of the motherboard, an ASUS P5L-MX 
to recognize things in the correct order, but (and this is why I have 
commented) it ALSO took installing the SATA drives on sockets 2 and 4 of 
the four SATA connectors..
Apparently the SATA connectors are paired: #1 is a MASTER, #2 a SLAVE, 
#3 a MASTER and #4 a SLAVE. By mounting the PATA drive as the PATA IDE 
MASTER (and the CDROM as Slave) the system saw ONLY the one master 
driver....Which is a good thing, as the data drives are not bootable!.
But it did take more than a couple of reboots into the BIOS, and 2 
'break-ins' to box, before I figured that out. Symptom was that one data 
disk was visible, and one not. Swapping cables at the drives, swapped 
the problem. Swapping cables at the mb, swapped the I 
figured that the mb socket was bad..tried another socket. Success.
Then, of course, and only then, did I find the Manual!....


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