Re: Internet traffic and Azureus -

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On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, Frank Cox wrote:

On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 16:20:06 +1000 (EST)
Res <res@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I dont have to justify myself to anyone, no ISP administrator has to
Your boss, your shareholders, your customers.  Every one of them has a right to
ask you to justify yourself in one way or another.  Make no mistake about it.
my boss does thats it, customers have no right to demand to know ins and 
outs of anything
Coming here and blowing smoke about how hard done by you are by your customers
and how nobody understands you.  My my, poor baby indeed.
i wouldnt expect a mob of fuckwit pr0n seeking lamers to understand, i 
gave my point of view, it differs to hte pr0n kings like you, that doesnt 
bother me, ive learnt over 10 years you cant tell a spammer what they are 
doing is spamming, its much the same dealing with warez and pr0n leaching 
Mind telling us why you're still hanging about, if we're all so stupid and
lame?  I'm sure there is a high-and-mighty mailing list somewhere that would
becasue  i enjoy feeding trolls when im bored



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