Re: netwrk sniffers and localhost

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Chris Mohler wrote:
On 10/1/07, Karl Larsen <k5di@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    A few weeks ago I got caught sleeping. I figured the hardware
firewall will keep all hackers away but I was very wrong. A guy bent on
doing something minor established a ssh connection to my computer and
then guessed my user name and password. It was very simple. I have since
changed the password. He just went to my browser and there connected to
web pages that take hours to come up. I think the guy, and know the web
pages, are in Germany.

    If he wants to try again it will not work.
The bot that hacked you may have installed a rootkit.  Here is a
pretty comprehensive guide to installing rkhunter on f7:

I have not installed rkhunter on F7 - I can't vouch for the accuracy
of the guide.


I looked and it is a special case of selinux now being run from Fresno State. I think there may be something added to Thunderbird. Sometimes not often when I read something on the web a full screen panel comes on with no curser and all you can do is turn off the computer.
This is an irritant. I would like to find it and stop the problem.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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