Hi, My main HD has decided that the MBR should no longer work and be an unhappy little monkey. The drive itself is physically fine (I've booted using RIPLinux and run fsck over it). The system currently does this. Start up is fine, all drives detected. I then get "Booting from CD" twice and then the single word "GRUB". Then nothing. The machine hasn't died or anything like that, just grub stops dead. I've booted from the Fedora rescue CD and all seems okay. It does complain that some of the points have not been mounted due to a problem. When I look in /mnt/sysimage everything is more or less fine. /boot is on /dev/hda1 with the LVM in /dev/hda2. When I look in /dev though, I'm not seeing hda hda1 hda2 - infact, other than VolGroup00, null and two others there is nothing in there, so I can't run /sbin/grub-install. Can someone please help me here? This is something new to me in Linux (I've never had to reinstall grub) and I really need to get the drive up and running again! TTFN Paul -- Get your free @ukpost.com account now http://www.ukpost.com/