Hi Sam,
To make the default change permanent, edit /boot/grub/grub.conf, and change
the default= setting. The first menu entry in Grub's boot menu is default=0,
the second menu entry is default=1, and so on. Set default accordingly. Take
care editing the grub.conf file, an accidental typo may have rather
unfortunate results.
Right on. I remembered that after I sent out my email.
Second, a program called "prelink" pegs my CPU. Is it necessary, and if
not, how do I turn it off besides doing a kill -9 on it?
That shouldn't happen. Run 'rpm -e prelink', but this should really be
investigated further. prelink shouldn't be hogging the CPU, like that. Before
nuking prelink, wait for eat to start eating the CPU, find its pid, then do
"ls /proc/$PID/fd". Wait a few seconds, and do it again. See if there are any
changes. You might have a corrupted binary somewhere that prelink is choking
on. Prelinking is good, you want to try to keep it around.
Maybe a buggy kernel? They just released a new one. I'll see how it goes.
Thanks for the help to all who have replied so far!
Gilbert Sebenste ********
(My opinions only!) ******