Re: have you tried Democracy Player?

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Benton Middleton wrote:
Timothy Murphy <tim <at>> writes:

Amadeus W.M. wrote:

If you stay on this list long enough, you will see the multimedia
question is being asked about every 1-2 weeks, I'd say. So anyone who's
been on the list for 2 weeks or more knows about vlc. And about mplayer/
mencoder, xine, ffmpeg, transcode, acirdip, streamdvd/streamanalyze,
k9copy, dvdauthor, dvdstyler, vobcopy, etc. Did I leave out anything?
Admittedly, the stuff beyond xine is geek stuff, but it's still well
If you are so smart, tell us how to get rid of totem.


There is a NEW open-source player online at called Democracy Player. They are GPL, open source & source code downloadable. They also have pre-compiled versions for Windows, Mac X, & Linux Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva and others in development. They also have "BroadCast Machine" for broadcasting ALL formats of video from yur website, but it is currently unavailable as it is being totally re-written. According to their site, installing the player on your system is as easy as typing "Yum Install DEmocracy", this for Fedora 6 & 7. Check 'em out! - - Benton Middleton, @ The IpowerNetworK
Great tip, Benton.

Just yummed it onto an fc6 install without problems. I've already watched one show and am downloading 2 more in the background. Beautiful stereo sound, too.
This is the way it's supposed to work!


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