Alan M. Evans wrote:
On Tue, 2007-06-19 at 20:40 +0100, ne... wrote:
For instance, why is it that when you choose KDE and not gnome,
gnome-games is selected but not kdegames???
I must say, I found this statement pretty incredible. Being of GNOME
persuasion, I don't pay much attention generally to KDE issues. But just
to see, I created a quick VM and installed F7 from the DVD iso. I went
to Customize Now and checked KDE, unchecked GNOME. Wow:
$ rpm -qa | grep "^gnome" | wc -l
$ rpm -qa | grep "^kde" | wc -l
And sure enough, gnome-games is installed, kdegames is not. Amazingly,
among the installed packages are: gnome-desktop, gnome-panel,
gnome-media, gnome-menus, and gnome-themes. I wouldn't have expected
that at all!
For comparison, a relatively untouched fresh install with GNOME, not
$ rpm -qa | grep "^gnome" | wc -l
$ rpm -qa | grep "^kde" | wc -l
I'm speechless, really.
File a bug report. This should be easily fixable. Some of the system
tools pull in GTK and other dependencies but some like GNOME games are
probably just package grouping warts.