Re: tons of spam

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On Mon, 18 Jun 2007, Ed Greshko wrote:

jdow wrote:
Chu - directing that at greshko might have been more appropriate.
"Ed" was most impolite for no good reason. "Scroom and the horse
he rode in on," would be a suitable reply for Ed's behavior.
I'm not sure about "no good reason".  Somebody signs up for a mailing list
with their "normal" email address and it gets harvested and they get more
spam and then say the distribution is flawed based on that.....well it just
gets my goat.  The induhvidual blames everyone except themselves.

Let's not get into a tit for tat on "behavior" shall we.  I can surely point
out times where others "behavior" went over my line....or is it over your
line....or is it over some imaginary line....

The simple point I suppose I should have made put your email
address on a public list and you expose yourself to spam.  Should the email
list be responsible to protect you from your folly?  I think not.
It would nice if Fedora was to setup spam filters when someone selects 
a SMTP to be installed.  Sort of like how IPtables is setup to be 
installed and running at boot.

: damocles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx : Bruce Morrow, a man before and after his time :
: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood  :
: of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson 11-13-1787    "Let's roll." :
: Todd Beamer, American Patriot onboard United Airlines Flight 93 9-11-01  :
:  damocles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx           :

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