Re: Could not play DVD movie on Fedoar 7

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Just do not know if you are going to like my answer, but here it goes... Forget about it, install xine or mplayer and you will be seeing your movies and many other file types in no time. ;-)
frank wang wrote:

I tried to play a DVD movie on Fedora 7. It complains that Totem is
missing some plugins and ask to install the plugins. It does not
mention what plugins. What should I do to fix this problem?



* Carlos Alberto Alves                       *
* Child Neurologist                          *
* Systems Analyst/ASUS Certified Professional*
* Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                     *
* Skype: carlos-aa                           *
* mailto:drcaa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx                *
* mailto:drcaa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx             *

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