Re: FC7 and Thunderbird

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Tim and Alison Bentley wrote:
I have installed FC7 over the top of FC6 with no problems apart from the
upgrade to Thunderbird.
I am now unable to click on a URL within a email and open Firefox.
Under FC6 this worked fine but under FC7 all I get is a box with ERROR
in the heading.
I would suggest see what values have been set for ... I have a default install and it points to /usr/lib/thunderbird.../
Check if you have over-ridden this value in your settings. If you 
haven't overridden this setting then try the following from a terminal  
/usr/lib/thunderbird- ..
hope that helps.

I have tried to reinstall Thunderbird but this has not worked.

Has anyone any ideas so I am able to use Thunderbird.



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