Re: F7 : kickstart network install regression

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Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Skunk Worx wrote:
On most of my servers F7 kickstart installs fail if the network device is set to DHCP in the ks.cfg.
The symptom is :

1) eth0 interface dhcp's
2) the grab of the KS file over the network happens
3) then a rash of dhcp traffic on the same interface (eth0) again, takes a minute
4) then a popup asking for the server/path.

Saying "okay" (as the server/path are actually valid) results in a failure along the lines of "retrieval of stage2.img failed".
The KS was taken from a DVD install of F7 and the written KS has the 
dhcp line.
Seems to affect servers with multiple intel gb. ether. These servers 
have been fine until now (from around fc2) with kickstart installs.
Using a static IP in the ks network definition then cleaning up the 
sysconfig in % post is my workaround for now.
Can you file a bug report in


bz# 244493


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