Re: help with Fedora core 7 dial-up connection

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Pete Cull x2315 wrote:

E. Robert Tisdale wrote:
Phil Meyer wrote:

Did you go into system-config-network and ask it to scan for a modem?
It will do the right thing.

From the menu:

System/Administration/Network  -Add -Modem connection.

As part of that dialog it will 'discover' your modem.
I don't think so.
I got:

   You have selected the following information:
   Hardware: Generic Modem
   Provider name: netwood
   Login name: edwin
   Phone number: 8061685

then I pressed the Apply button.
Everything seemed fine until I tried to "Activate" the device.
I don't think that the system ever actually found the modem.
I replaced the U.S.Robotics 5610B with the original Winmodem.
I'm using it to send this email from Windows XP.
Now, when I attempt to activate the modem, I get:

   Cannot activate network device netwood!
   Failed to activate netwood with error 7

netwood is, of course, my ISP.

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