Re: N00bie questions about encrypted file systems.

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Todd Zullinger wrote:
: Dean S. Messing wrote:
: > As I read the above (very interesting!) article, I checked on my FC6
: > laptop (running the 2.6.20-1.2952.fc6 kernel) to see if encrptyfs
: > was there.
: >=20
: > A `locate -i encryptfs' turns up nothing, as does `yum info
: > '*encrpytfs*'.  Is this stuff absent from FC6?  (Tell me it ain't
: > so. I have no time to install F7 right now.)  The article said that
: > encryptfs was available in the kernel as of 2.6.19.
: As with umount, goblins have made off with the 'n' char.  The module
: name is ecryptfs.ko and it is available in later FC6 kernels.  The
: user-land tools are under review currently:
: You can probably build the latest package from the review to get a
: pretty decent rpm.
: I've not used this stuff at all.  I was simply curious. :)

Thanks Todd.  (I like your humour.) I discovered the error of my ways
as you were composing your response, as you will notice by the message
that will closely follow yours.

I checked, I wrote, I posted, I checked again, and there was your
clever answer. Nuts!


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