Michael Fleming wrote:
Hi Rahul,
Not all of them - some contain code / links to libraries that are among
the ForbiddenItems list, others not even close to being up to scratch or
likely of little interest to the community at large. There's probably a
couple that are dead upstream too - I've been packaging some of these
for a LONG time. :-(
The proprietary or patent encumbered software can be excluded. Maybe
look at rpmfusion.net for that. Software that doesn't have a active
upstream or niche software doesn't have to be automatically excluded.
Fedora repository certainly has a lot of such software included. Even
stuff like vixie-cron doesn't really have any upstream activity anymore.
That being said, I'm looking to toss a few in - the merge has made me
rethink how I build and maintain my own repository (ie. "It's expensive
to try and mirror F7 Everything with updates on 512k ADSL here in
Australia for build purposes" ;-)) and perhaps it's best to get them in
sooner rather than later.
Right and the "problem" of Fedora repository getting larger is only
going to increase. Rawhide reports per day has around half a dozen NEW
packages being added.
Maybe you can list the packages in your repository in fedora-devel list
and see if other folks are interested in them.