Re: ThatFlemingGent (was Enlartenment.Com) RPMs available for F7

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Michael Fleming wrote:
For those hardy souls (both of you) that have been interested in the
RPMs I maintain, I have some good news. :-)

I have rebuilt most of my packages for Fedora 7 - 71 and counting,
including the Courier IMAP/maildrop packages that a few users have been
asking me about.

I still have a couple to go - mt-daapd is failing due to some Avahi
issues - but upgrades should be otherwise fine.

Repoview is available at (i386)

More info @ Naturally
they're fully compatible with the merged Fedora packagelist and *should*
coexist with Livna / Dribble.

Bugs / Requests / Comments? Feel free to send them my way.

Any plans to submit and maintain these packages in the central Fedora 

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