Re: fglrx and Fedora 7 works!

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On 6/10/07, Kevin J. Cummings <cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Afaik the older ATI drivers only work with older versions of Xorg so
> your solution does not work.

We're in the middle of a thread where the OP says that the currently
released flgrx drivers don't work with F7,

but that the older FC6
drivers *do* work with F7!

So unless you think the OP is a liar, how
does this "not work"?
You probably misunderstood what works and what does not work.
In short:

* older fglrx drivers don't work with any xorg-server ever released
for F7, both during
 the test period than now with the final release;
* newer fglrx drivers don't work with F7 xorg-server package, but work with some
 versions released during  F7 test period (and with FC6 ones).

Is it OK now? I'm not a native English speaker so please correct me if
I did not make myself clear.

Noone is claiming that the problem is Fedora's.  ATI needs to fix their
Yes, that's their fault. The binary blob within fglrx simply crashes
with a pretty useless (for non-ATI employees) traceback.

Especially if the problem is related to the 2.6.22 kernel that
F7 ships with and the problem is not the fault of any RH patches/fixes
not taken from upstream.
Kernel versions don't matter for this issue. By the way, I don't use
Fedora kernel nor livna kernel module.

If that's the case, then repo's (like Livna,
which packages fglrx for F7) need to replace their packages with an
older version which *does* work with F7.
[ Hope I've already explained this ]

For more detailed analisys, please go to Phoronix forums (google is
your friend).

Just a side note: This is what my system runs:

[fcomolli@tycho ~]$ uname -a
Linux tycho 2.6.22-rc4 #1 SMP Fri Jun 8 20:28:36 CEST 2007 i686 i686
i386 GNU/Linux

[fcomolli@tycho ~]$ rpm -q xorg-x11-server-Xorg

[fcomolli@tycho download]$ rpm -qa|grep ATI

> Rahul

Kevin J. Cummings

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