On 6/10/07, John Lagrue <jlagrue@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have read the docs. They however don't seem to say a lot and only really talk about installing a F7 guest. I have no need of an F7 guest - I'm running it already, so don't need a second copy. But I do want a Windows guest, but the docs are of little use at all. I joined the feora-xen list but it's pretty inactive, and my questions get few anwers, if any. My question is pretty simple. How do I install a windows. centos or ubuntu guest using my local CD and allowing it to access the net?
I installed Windows XP like this: qemu-img create windows.img -f qcow 6G qemu-kvm -no-acpi -m 512 -cdrom /dev/cdrom -boot d windows.img and then booted it by qemu-kvm -no-acpi -m 512 -cdrom /dev/cdrom windows.img I don't have that installation around anymore, but it definitely had net access. HTH, Andras