Paul Smith wrote:
On 6/6/07, Jonathan Dieter <jdieter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In a month or so when the load on the fc7 mirrors is lower I will
> upgrade this system to fc7 the same way. However, instead of using yum
> to get the packages I will use wget -c to download all packages in a
> repository to the hard drive. I'm not sure how to use that as the
> repository for yum; it looks like it can be done with a baseurl
> directive in the /etc/yum.conf.d/"main".repo file. This should cut the
> header iteration time to about 15 minutes though it won't help with
> install time. It will double hard disk requirements.
Just a heads up: I've created deltarpms for the fc6->f7 update process.
I'm not sure what bandwidth you have, but using deltarpms will probably
cut the bandwidth by a huge amount.
The deltarpms are for an updated FC6 box that you want to yum upgrade to
Fedora 7. You will need to install yum-presto and then, in your fedora
7 .repo file, add
"deltaurl=";. Then,
just do yum update.
You mean to put the above address in Fedora *6* repo?