Re: F7: the backspace key does not work in browsers.

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2007/6/6, Todd Zullinger <tmz@xxxxxxxxx>:
Clodoaldo wrote:
>  The normal behavior of the backspace in browsers is to go back to
>  the last visited page.
>  I fresh installed F7-gnome and now in Firefox the backspace is
>  acting as the page-up key and in Epiphany it does nothing.

This drove me nuts as well (though I understand the reasoning of
using ctrl+left and ctrl+right for navigation).
Ctrl-left and Ctrl-right don't work for me. Are they the replacements
for backspace and Shift-Backspace?

For firefox, open about:config and change browser.backspace_action to
0 to restore the old behavior.
I changed that and now I have my old backspace back.

I don't use Epiphany so I don't have any help there. :)
I also don't. Just tested it to verify if it was only Firefox misbehaving.


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