Re: How to move desktop settings from FC6 to F7?

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Pavel Lisý wrote:
Is there any recommended solution how to move desktop settings from FC6
to F7. I am making new installation every time (with new Fedora) on new
partition on my home PC. Making new desktop setup is not problem for me
but my wife is really disappointed when she have to reset everything
each half year. Is it now any known solution of this problem?
When I upgraded from FC5 to FC6, I just copied the home folder over from 
the old installations backup with no major problems. The transition from 
FC6 to F7 was not that smooth. All my gnome settings were totally 
borked. I had to delete the new home folder and recreate it from 
/etc/skel. I did manage to rescue my application settings by copying the 
individual .whatever folders to the new home, but I had to redo the 
desktop settings all over again.
विवेक ज. पाटणकर (Vivek J. Patankar)

Registered Linux User #374218
Fedora release 7 (Moonshine)
Linux 2.6.21-1.3194.fc7 X86_64

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