Re: Installing F7 by CD and not by DVD

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taharka wrote:
How do,

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 19:54 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:


No those are not unnecessarily strong words. Those were the system
I looked in my approx. 2000 page dictionary, and it says "bunk" is
an abbreviated form of "buncombe", which is defined as

Wrong dictionary to be looking in most likely. Get yourself a street
slang dictionary & look up the meaning of bunk :-)

1. Bombastic speechmaking or any specious utterance for political

2. Humbug. Also spelled /bunkum/.

A humbug is a fraud or deception, as in "Christmas! Bah, humbug!"

So, which meaning did you intend? I don't think either applies.

Probably neither. Spend some time on the hard rock, in the hood & the
meaning will become clear very fast ;-)
I grew up in the tough districts of south and west Texas, actually.
I saw the guy who lived across the street from me in Laredo get killed
in a knife fight when I was about 4. That would be in about 1955
or 1956. The streets where I lived then were not paved.

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