Re: Installing F7 by CD and not by DVD

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Kam Leo wrote:
On 6/2/07, Stanley A. Klein <sklein@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have a 500 Mhz Pentium machine that runs FC5 very well.  I installed it
using the multi-CD set.

I can NOT put a DVD drive on the machine, because the minimum speed for
DVD drives is around 800 Mhz, based on all the drive boxes I looked at
when I investigated the matter.

BUNK!!  600MHz was the speed Microsoft recommended for playing back
Unnecessarily strong words. In any case, there are people with specialty
machines (like laptops) for which using a DVD drive is not an option,
and others for which *buying* anything is not an option. Others might
not feel techinically inclined to open up their machines.

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