Re: F7: Desktop Effects bug with nVidia GPU

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2007/6/4, Randy Forston <rforston@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Clodoaldo wrote:
> 2007/6/4, Lonni J Friedman <netllama@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> On 6/4/07, Clodoaldo <clodoaldo.pinto.neto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> 2007/6/4, Lonni J Friedman <netllama@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> On 6/4/07, Clodoaldo <clodoaldo.pinto.neto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> 2007/6/4, Lonni J Friedman <netllama@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>> On 6/4/07, Clodoaldo <clodoaldo.pinto.neto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Gnome desktop. Using nVidia MX 440 video card with the nVidia
>>>>>>> 96xx driver.
>>>>>>> When I logout and login with Desktop Effects enabled
>>>>>>> applicattions restart without the title bar.
>>>>>>> To reproduce the bug:
>>>>>>> Set the session to automaticaly save changes.
>>>>>>> Open a terminal.
>>>>>>> Open Desktop Effects.
>>>>>>> Unselect "Windows Wobble when Moved".
>>>>>>> Select "Workspaces on a Cube".
>>>>>>> Enable Desktop Effects.
>>>>>>> Logout and Login.
>>>>>>> The terminal now starts without the title bar.
>>>>>> Is the terminal the only window that lacks a title bar, or do
>>>>>> all applications exhibit this behavior?
>>>>> I suggested the terminal because it is fast to start. I tried
>>>>> also with gedit and its behavior is still worse: it gets stuck
>>>>> to the top left corner, hiding the top bar, without the title
>>>>> bar and without the text area.
>>>> This isn't a bug, you've not configured X correctly.
>>> xorg.conf configured by the livna-config-display: What is wrong
>>> with it?
>> See:
> I followed the advice there and added this to xorg.conf:
> Section "Extensions"
>     Option "Composite" "Enable"
> EndSection
> Still the same problem.
> Clodoaldo

This is NOT just an NVIDIA (driver) issue.

I'll experiment with the xorg advice from the links above, but I don't
expect it to change anything.

I see the same problems using Intel graphics (on-board Intel chipset),
running Beryl (or Desktop Effects), in both Fedora 7 and Ubuntu 7.04

I first noticed the "missing Titlebar" issue, when I first ran Desktop
Effects in either OS.
I filed a bug report:


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