Re: What is this web site trying to do?

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Tim wrote:
Frank Cox:

Many web browsers (including Firefox) automatically look for and download a

Mike McCarty:

I use Mozilla, and I see nothing like what you describe.

It used to be a configuration option, though probably via the
about:config conglomeration, rather than in the user-friendly control

favicon.ico file if one exists in the root directory of your website.  That's
the little doodad graphic that appears in your location bar beside the site
name.  For example, if you go to my website:
you will see a little film reel in your location bar.

Hmm. That's certainly something I would disable if I could, and if I
couldn't I'd change browsers. Sounds like a great opportunity for a
security breach.

How so?  If you're browsing, they already know it.  Getting
I'm not trying to keep them from getting that information.
I already know about that.


can't.  There'd be far more exploit posibilities in the HTML rendering.

Yours is the first post I've seen in years of someone wanting to avoid
the favicons.  I've seen more conversations about trying to get them to
show up, when they sometimes won't.
I can't imagine it, but dif'rent stroke for dif'rent folks.

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