Re: Installing F7 by CD and not by DVD

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Simon Andrews wrote:
Ed Greshko wrote:

Philip Walden wrote:

How would you do an upgrade from FC6 this way? I do not want to do a
clean install?

I generally do clean installs since they are...well...cleaner.

But, one thing that has worked for me in the past was to do something along
the lines of....

1.  Download the DVD.
2.  Mount the DVD iso on a loop device.
3.  Go to the directory containing all the RPMs
4.  Run "rpm -Fvh *rpm".

If you're downloding the iso onto the machine and you're going to update then you can do it the official way, rather than having to muck about in rpm.
1) Download the DVD iso

I've seen something similar suggested repeatedly, but you know,
it eats a lot of disc and requires repartitioning etc.

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