Re: Installing F7 by CD and not by DVD

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upgrade your hardware to use our software ....... sounds M$ familiar

To the OP there are plent yof other distros (all of others) that provide
CD's, slack, suse, ubuntu...

On Mon, 4 Jun 2007, Scott van Looy wrote:

Today Tim did spake thusly:

Not around here.  Repeated assertions, on this list, that DVD drives are
not that expensive smacks of "let them eat cake."
David Boles:
Really? They cost more than that where you are? How much more? I am talking about ordering from The Internet, you order, you pay, you install (takes a
screwdriver) and not from the local 'swindle shop' down the street.
As I'd already commented the other day, DVD burners are around $90
Australian, whether on-line, a computer wholesaler, a small computer
shop, all about the same as each other, unless there's a special.  To
save on doing currency conversions, that's around a days wages for a lot
of people, just a bit under for those who get paid a bit better.  But,
either way, it's not pocket money.  Even a simpler DVD-ROM might be
around $60-70.

They don't do that where you are? Wherever that is. Again. Not my business.
On-line costs are similar to buying from a shop, sometimes more
expensive when you factor in postage and handling.
They're 29.99 on ebay, that's for dual layer DVD burners. Found one with free 
delivery for $54 from an online shop, again, that's a dual layer DVD burner. 
Pretty sure a simple DVD-ROM will be a lot cheaper... ;)
Anyways, that's what the liveCD is for, right?

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