Re: Upgrade from LIVE CD option

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Tony Nelson wrote:
At 7:17 PM +0530 6/4/07, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Mark Haney wrote:
Okay, obviously I"ve missed something.  I expected there to be an
'upgrade' option in the 'Install from CD' link on the LIVE CD desktop. I
was wrong.  how do I upgrade a system using the CD?  I followed the
install process, but I didn't like getting the feeling I was going to
lose everything if I did it that way.

I have a dozen or so boxes I need to upgrade that don't have DVD-drives.
 And I certainly don't want to use yum, as my test box blew a gasket on it.

And I've found to M to RTF, so I'm lost.
Live images can't support upgrades since they just copy the entire image
into the file system. You have several options including a network or
hard disk installation from DVD images using the boot/rescue.iso images.
Rahul -- I'm rather ignorant here, but ISTM that the respin tool (Revisor?)
could be set up so that someone needing CDs could take the DVD image and
have it written out onto CDs.  Is this doable, but just not done yet?  If
so, should someone attempting to do this be encouraged to share their
results?  (I don't need CDs.)
Revisor can use the command line Pungi tool to create regular CD images 
out of Fedora repositories (official, third party or custom) . It doesnt 
split the DVD into CD images though. Revisor is already in the 
repository now so a RFE can be filed in bugzilla. As I have pointed out 
before this article gives you some more information.


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