When installing Fedora 7 from the DVD, how do you pass options to the anaconda script, such as --debug and so forth? When installing, my anaconda process is getting stuck in a mode where it just chews up 100% of the CPU (for at least 12 hours) when it gets to the part where it starts to install the packages. The system itself (kernel, etc) is working fine (not locked up), but the anaconda process is just not proceeding to do anything. So I would like to debug the anaconda process so I can figure out what's causing it to get stuck. I can get into the shell console. Unfortunately F7's install image doe not have many debugging tools, such as strace. I could of course launch anaconda manually from the shell, but as soon as I kill of the hung one, the /sbin/loader process initiates a reboot. The only thing I can think of is to do a kill -STOP on the loader process, then kill off the hung anaconda (and it's children). But surely there's an easier or more correct way that I'm just overlooking. Also, from past experiences of playing with anaconda with the --debug option (which puts you into Python PDB), it is quite hard to use. Regardless if I use the -T (text) or -C (command line) mode, anaconda still starts up a curses mode screen which makes interacting with PDB nearly impossible because all the text gets mangled. Are there any hints about how best to debug it? Thanks Deron Meranda