Gene Heskett <gene.heskett@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sunday 03 June 2007, David G. Miller wrote:
>Looks like something like system-config-network puts the value in the
>appropriate ifcfg script in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts:
>[dave@spindle network-scripts]# cat ifcfg-eth1
># Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller
>MODE=Auto # <== HERE
Both of the above options are an error here, getting me
Set Mode (8B06)
Set Bit Rate (8B20)
and dhcp fails, with the radio then being turned off a few seconds after the
dhcp timeout.
So? Fire up vi and edit the appropriate /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
file. Set Mode to "Managed" and Rate to 11M (start conservative). The
values are passed to iwconfig through
/etc/sysconfi/network-scripts/ifup-wireless. If you need to check on
exactly how to specify a particular value, check the man page for
iwconfig. Also, dhcp will fail if the link layer isn't established. It
failing is fallout; not a symptom.
The default seems to be to turn the radio off if a connection can't be
established. Really irritating since there doesn't seem to be any way
to turn it back on except a reboot for some hardware.
Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce