Re: Fedora 7 CD iso files?

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On 6/2/07, Knute Johnson <knute@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>On 6/2/07, Philip Walden <pwaldenlinux@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I was looking at the download area an only the DVD iso is available.
>> My older PC will only boot from a CD. Is there a download URL for the CD
>> iso files?
>> Phil
>If you checked the topics flying through the list today you would have
>learned that the multi-disc CD option is no longer available.
>You can use either the Live CD or the Rescue CD to perform an initial
>installation. Packages not included on the Live CD to hard drive
>installation may be obtained using YUM.

That works fine but you can't upgrade an existing installation
without a DVD drive or a complicated (and not really documented so
that a linux blivet can do it) set of procedures.

I am really disappointed by this.  I don't want to have to go buy a
DVD drive for my mail server which is an older computer (with no
guarantee that it will work).  I just wanted to upgrade my mail
server to F7 without a lot of hassles.  The live CDs are fun to play
with but I would have rather had a dead CD that I could use to
upgrade my FC5 and FC6 installations.

I did install the F7 live CD on my desktop but I had to destroy the
partitions that had xubuntu on them to get it to install.  I didn't
really care about the xubuntu but I would have rather kept it.

I saw somebody complain that it doesn't work with his laptop and the
answer he got was "there is always somebody's laptop that it won't
work with."  I'd rather trade all the trick stuff for "it works with
everybody's computer" just like Winblows.

Knute Johnson
Molon Labe...

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I'm not going to add yet another method that you could upgrade from
FC5 to F7 as there is already a plethora of information about that.  I
would, however, advise against do that type of ugrade.  Sometimes they
work, sometimes not.  I recently migrated all of my servers to CentOS5
(I can't afford RHEL, as I am a mere mortal) because I was in a
similar situation.  I had a file server running FC4 still, and instead
of going from FC4 to FC6, just to have to upgrade in less than 6
months, I moved to something that has a longer life span.  I'm only
suggesting something like this because you'll have to go to about the
same lengths to upgrade 2 versions to migrate to the enterprise
version (backups, etc.).  CentOS5 has a lot in common with FC6, so
there should be little adjustment if you are already familiar with


hDDVDProcessingKey == 0x09F911029D74E35B D84156C5635688C0

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