Gene Heskett <gene.heskett@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Since part of this is F7 problems on the lappy, I've also copied this to
the fedora list.
>Gene Heskett schrieb:
>> On Saturday 02 June 2007, Sebastian Gottschall wrote:
>>> Gene Heskett schrieb:
>> This seems to have worked except I cannot get it to service DHCP requests
>> coming in over ath0, or then to allow a packet to go past even if I give it static addresses.
>the following steps are needed. turn the wireless interface you want to
>client mode
Since the lappy is the client, and the atheros card in the x86 dd-wrt box is the AP,
I've put that in the lappies /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 profile, then did
an ifdown wlan0;ifup wlan0, but it rejects that with:
Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8b06) :
invalid argument "Client"
From the iwconfig man page:
mode Set the operating mode of the device, which depends on the
network topology. The mode can be
Ad-Hoc (network composed of only one cell and without
Access Point), Managed (node connects to
a network composed of many Access Points, with roaming),
Master (the node is the synchronisa-
tion master or acts as an Access Point), Repeater (the
node forwards packets between other
wireless nodes), Secondary (the node acts as a backup
master/repeater), Monitor (the node is
not associated with any cell and passively monitor all
packets on the frequency) or Auto.
Example :
iwconfig eth0 mode Managed
iwconfig eth0 mode Ad-Hoc
Not sure where you're setting mode to "client" but that's not a valid
value. Managed tends to work unless you know what you're doing and you
know why you need one of the other vales.
Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
-- Ambrose Bierce