Re: Fedora 7

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Paul Smith wrote:
On 6/2/07, Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Looks awesome, works awesome. It's one of the most flawless and simple
>> Linux installs I have had in a long time, even with the somewhat unusual
>> setup I have.
> You are lucky.
> So am I, so far.
> However, no-one knows what proportion of Fedora users
> meet a problem with installation.
> It is a serious weakness of Fedora, in my view,
> that there is no proper attempt to get feedback on this issue.
> (Bugzillas are only used by a tiny proportion of users.)

Since this is just guess work what would you consider a "proper" attempt
to get feedback on thousands of packages other than bugzilla,irc or
mailing lists?
At least, people from RedHat could answer questions like "in which
component should I report this bug?"...
Anaconda obviously. Did you ask anywhere?  I don't see any reason this 
should be focused on one organization. Anyone who needs to know 
something should ask a question and those who know should answer it.
Perhaps, RedHat wants to keep people silent regarding the faulty
installation dvd that they have created.
Bad assumption with no basis. Lots of people use bugzilla to request 
features, file bug reports or even do package reviews.

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