Re: Re: Installing F7 by CD and not by DVD

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H.S. wrote:

How about this:
1. Download boot.iso from Fedora 7 mirrors (e.g. from
2. Burn that to a CD (makes a bootable CD).
3. Download the Fedora 7 DVD iso (best is done from torrents) and put it
on a partition in your disk which will not be overwritten during
4. Boot from the boot disk and start installation by telling the
installer to install from the ISO image that is on your hard disk.
You can do it without any media at all if you start with an existing
fedora installation.
Put the Fedora 7 DVD iso file on a partition that will not be written
during install as you say and then do the following:
Make a mount point to hold the loop mounted iso.
# mkdir /mnt/tmp
Now loop mount the iso with
# mount -o loop whatever_the_path_to the_DVD.iso /mnt/tmp

cp -a /mnt/tmp/isolinux/vmlinuz /boot/FC7.install
cp -a /mnt/tmp/isolinux/initrd.img /boot/FC7.initrd.img

Then add the following 4 lines to the end of grub.conf (in /boot/grub )
title Fedora Core 7 Installer
       root (hd0,5)  # <****** (change to correct disc and partition
number as needed)
       kernel /boot/FC7.install
       initrd /boot/FC7.initrd.img

Don't put the characters from # <*** onwards - that is just a comment!

In the root line  (hd0,5) these two numbers will usually be the same
as for your normal kernel boot. If you have multiple discs and
different OSes on the same disc this may need adapting but usually is
the same as the numbers for your normal boot.

You need to check on correct path for where the DVD iso file is on HD
- and keep it to hand, as well as the partition number for when you
start the new bootup - see below.

Then re-boot and you will have an option to go to the FC7 installer
file you have just set up.
Choose HD install, and put in the partition and path to the DVD iso
file and the install will go just like any other ...


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