Re: bittorrent speed way too low, what possible causes?

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stan wrote:
On Fri, 1 Jun 2007 12:14:31 -0700
"Kam Leo" <kam.leo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

1. Your ISP (Cox) may be throttling P2P traffic. Try using a port not
in the standard 6881-6999 range. Go to Azureus FAQ site for more
details if required.
2. Your bittorrent client or firewall is not configured properly.

Well, I tried multiple ports 49311:49360, and single port 59311 and same
result.  I checked the firewall before and after I opened the ports
and the rules were there and OK. I am using the stock install of
bittorrent-curses that other people report getting reasonable speeds
on.  It sure looks like Cox filters for peer to peer in Phoenix.

I heard back from Cox, the standard boilerplate about checking
connections.  I asked for confirmation whether they are using filtering
or not, haven't heard back yet.

After I install F7 I'll try again, just in case it shakes something up
in the configuration of my machine that is causing it.

I can see that it would be very easy for them to filter as I am using
an IP address assigned by them and they just have to look for the
pattern of lots of ingoing and outgoing packets to and from multiple
different IP addresses on my IP address.


Does KTorrent produce the same results. Last night downloading the iso with KTorrent was much faster than bittorrent.

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