Re: Multiple Fedoras

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On 6/2/07, Tim <ignored_mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sat, 2007-06-02 at 02:42 +0200, Frode Petersen wrote:
> If you take care at keeping UIDs and GIDs consistent, I think it would
> be safe to
> 1. Keep all your work files in a ~/work directory on the home
> partition.
> 2. In the second OS, mount the home partition to something like
> /mnt/otherOS/home
> 3. symlink the work directory into your new home directory.
> Or maybe
> 1. Use a separate partition for /home/<username>/work
> 2. Edit /etc/fstab to mount this on the OS' you want it available in.

I do something similar.  I have a spare partition that I symlink between
personal sub-directories and home space.

e.g. Inside /home/tim have a symlink to /space/tim/

I do something similar with storage space networked, symlinking from
the /net/server/home/tim/stuff into /home/tim/network/.

You can keep your personal files anywhere you like, though large files
that need high speed access are usually better off locally stored.

Thanks to all who responded. Re /home, it's the least of my worries,
because I have only a handful of init files, and most of them are
practically unchanged since 1994 :-)


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