Re: Can I access the harddrive using liveCD

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Charles Curley wrote:
I wonder whether I can access the hard drive from liveCD. My machine
has winXP installed and I want to access the text file using liveCD.
However, I could not see the drive.
If you are using FAT or VFAT, then yes. I don't know about NTFS,
Nope. NTFS didn't mount for me. Also, F7live doesn't show the available 
drives on the desktop as I have seen knoppix do.
Hardware detection, by the way, for me was excellent!

विवेक ज. पाटणकर (Vivek J. Patankar)

Registered Linux User #374218
Fedora Core release 6 (Zod)
Linux 2.6.19-1.2911.6.4.fc6 X86_64

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