Hello, I am using ncftpput to make a backup on a network disk like 'LaCie' and it workstar -cvzf - /home | ncftpput -uroland -p mypasswd -c backup/home.gz
I tried the same on a 'conceptronic' disk and I received the message as you can see in the annex.
Is there anybody who has an idea what this could mean? Thanks for your help, -- Roland Brouwers C.A.T. bvba B-2660 Antwerpen
ncftpput -uroland backup /home/roland/work_ncftp.txt Password: ****** Invalid reply: "USER PASS QUIT PORT NLST LIST TYPE MODE RETR STOR" Invalid reply: "DELE CWD CDUP PWD XPWD MKD XMKD RMD XRMD NOOP" Invalid reply: "SYST ABOR RNFR RNTO PASV REST APPE STAT HELP SIZE" ncftpput: Could not change to directory backup: invalid reply from server. Invalid reply: "SITE FEAT OPTS "