William Case wrote:
It seems to me that there are two types of users who need or want an
"everything button". The relatively new users who are not sure what all
the programs are for and don't want to be in the position of "chose one
or die" particularly when the whole install process, being new to them,
is asking whole bunch of other questions as well.
You mean new as opposed to that set of people with 15 years of
experience with FC7? Face it, _everybody_ is new to every FCx distro
and the only people who understand it are the ones who just decided what
to put on the CDs.
The other group who are developers or administrators for developers.
These are the guys who run off to get config, make and make install
alien packages anyways.
If you have locally developed or modified packages you have to do that
anyway - but the software side of computer science isn't changing all
that quickly and for most purposes everyone is better off running the
same thing instead of wasting their time pretending to re-invent it.
Les Mikesell