Ed Greshko <Ed.Greshko@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Frank Cox wrote:
Static means non changing, right?
I sincerely hope it still means that, or my application server scheme won't
work as planned.
But you haven't told us the IP Address assigned by Quest.
I don't know if the exact IP address is relevant as it's just another IP
address in Qwest's address space, but as you wish.
Here is the complete sum-and-total of the information that we can get from
Qwest technical support:
Static IP gateway, Sub net,NS
Primary Server Server205.171.2.65
That's it. No more information is available from anyone there. Period.
You could try removing the static IP address from the router, and
recycling its power. Then look at the router's admin pages to see if the
router reports an external gateway address, the IP of the gateway that
the router talks to ( the "WAN IP").
I presume that since this is on a telephone line (Qwest right?). From
its end, Qwest 'knows' the line address (the telephone line) and 'knows'
the MAC of the DSL bridge. At its end, it does not need to give out a
gateway address as the connection is hardwired from the telephone line.
Weird. very weird, but possible I think
R. Geoffrey Newbury
Helping with the HTTP issue
<a href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/";>HTTP</a>