For someone who has always run wireless by using conventional network service with an appropriate /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 or ath0 etc with the "network" daemon running, and never been able to get wpa_supplicant working, does anyone havce a howto that describes what changes are needed to go from a working conventional system to using wpa_supplicant (with WEP encryption)? Assuming that /etc/wpa_suppicant/wpa_supplicant.conf has apropriate entries, and that /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant has been edited for an appropriate driver etc, what other steps are necessary to get going assuming that previously a good wireless connection was running with WEP encryption with the standard method? What are the relative merits of running the wpa_supplicant daemon as opposed to running wpa_supplicant manually? In fact do people actually use the daemon or construct scripts to run it manually? Does one need to leave the "network" daemon running or is it vital to shut it down? Does one need to start up NetworkManager and MenworkManagerDispatcher daemons or will wpa_supplicant take care of that automatically? What does one need to do differently if the desktop is KDE instead of Gnome? Of course much depends on the hardware and which driver is used. Can wpa_supplicant be made to work with a usb wireless device such as the Edimax dongle running the RT73 driver? For the average user there is a lot of information spread out across many postings and web sites - is there a consolidated page with information brought together with useful hints and tips in one place for a system running FC6 with KDE? Will there be any new web site with this kind of information for the new F7 with its advertised much improved wireless support? Looking forward to the valued replies...