Re: micro$haft wants your assets

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Andy Green wrote:
Jim Cornette wrote:

The link mentioned to start this thread is just a minor example.
Couple of other interesting US IP law articles I read today

Thanks Andy for the link and explanation regarding the more diabolical aspects of the IP onslaught even against those that use open source software users.
The other aspects regarding the ones holding way more paper than those 
in need of food, housing, medical attention and modest entertainment and 
by such outrageous proportions. (They will never ever touch the paper 
that they will never use but would feed some family.
All has to be corrected, IP and extreme pooling of currency as points of 
Oh well, one at a time or all at once? Either way it is a go.




Is uniformity attainable?  Millions of innocent men, women, and
children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt,
tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards
uniformity.  What has been the effect of coercion?  To make one half
of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites.
		-- Thomas Jefferson

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