Re: Problems with Xorg i810 driver, laptop and external monitor, and MergedFB

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On 14/05/07, Marcelo Magno T. Sales <marcelo.sales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There's no need of an extension for that. However, you probably won't be able
to select the display output in X using the shortcut key on your notebook.
Depending on the specific intel chipset you are using, it can be done using
i810switch (available in FC repos) or both outputs will be enabled at boot
without any special configuration.

However, you may need to change the following line in your xorg .conf:
#       Option      "MonitorLayout" "LFP,CRT"

Make it like this:
       Option      "MonitorLayout" "TV,LFP+CRT"

And add:
       Option "Clone" "On"

This will enable the display on the three outputs (s-video, VGA and internal
display). Also, configuring LFP and CRT in the same head, framebuffer/overlay
graphics will be displayed in both the internal monitor and VGA output. If
you put them in separate heads, only the primary one will display such
graphics with the i810 driver.
Thanks Marcelo, I'll try your suggestions.

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