dovecot and encfs problems

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   I am trying to have dovecot use an encfs file system - its the Maildir 
directory in user home directory - obviously trying to improve security. 
Since multiple mail programs may be used, user runs a local imap for storage.
  What I did was move an existing Maildir to encfs encrypted area and put a 
soft link in home directory pointing to it.

   Dovecot seems not to like this - first it complains 
mmap(.../dovecot.index) - no such device, then it complains link(xxx, 
dovecot-uidlist.lock) failed - Operation not permitted then it complains 
file_dot_lock_open(xxx/dovecot-uidlist) failed: Operation not permitted.

  This continues in the same vein. 

   Anyone know if dovecot can work on an fuse-encfs filesystem for its 
~/Maildir directory?



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