Amadeus W.M. wrote:
Is there a repository that has a kopete rpm for FC6? Yum didn't find it
in core, extras and livna.
Kopete is, from what I can tell, the kde analogue of gaim. I want it
because supposedly it can do video streaming via yahoo.
Does anybody have any kind of video streaming working under FC6? I tried
ekiga and ffmpeg/ffserver - both have bugs - and gaim doesn't do
streaming. I've also tried vlc, without success so far, but still trying.
Any suggestions?
Try installing Mplayer and a package called "essentials". Follow
instructions and you will play streaming videos. I still have problems
with videos under DRM. :(
* Carlos Alberto Alves *
* Child Neurologist *
* Systems Analyst/ASUS Certified Professional*
* Rio de Janeiro, Brazil *
* Skype: carlos-aa *
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