Dotan Cohen írta:
On 25 Apr 2007 18:36:01 +0200, Ingemar Nilsson <init@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Scott van Looy <scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> 4) insert Windows CD and let it automatically find and repair windows
> by going through the install wizard until you reach the bit where it
> finds your old copy of windows and can reinstall
How can this work if your binaries are not in their pristine conditions?
Such as when you have downloaded updates through Automatic Updates or
Windows Update? Wouldn't it result in some files being downgraded to the
version found on the install disc, while other files are kept in their
updated versions? This sounds like a good recipe for a mess.
That's exactly what it does. The MS versioning system is, er, lacking.
Repairing XP brings it back to the install state.
Dotan Cohen
But isn't the entries for security updates remain
in the installed software list? Thus making
the updater believe it already has all the updates.
Genuine advantage, indeed.
Best regards,
Zoltán Böszörményi