Re: whats with this love of kaffiene?

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On Monday 23 April 2007, Gene Heskett wrote:
>On Monday 23 April 2007, Rex Dieter wrote:
>>Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> 2 or 3 weeks ago I had mplayer all setup to play just about anything I
>>> clicked on in FF and in kmail.
>>> But something recently has shot that puppy dead and replaced it with
>>> kaffiene. And since kaffiene doesn't seem to recognize most of the .wmv
>>> etc proprietary format files that might get thrown at it, it winds up
>>> being about as usefull as those small appendages on the belly of a boar
>>> hog.
>>If you have
>>xine-lib-extras-nonfree (from livna)
>>installed, it'll be closer in functionality to mplayer.
>I don't have a livna available in smart-gui.  How can I enable that?

Besides that, just how DO you make xine do anything usefull???  It never has 
yet other than play a video cd/dvd IF the disk was in the right format.  Even 
for commercial disks, that is a rare occurrence indeed.

I just tried yumex, which does have a livna, but after selecting about 10 
other unrelated (to me anyway) kernel kmod packages to go along with the 
xine-lib-extra-nonfree, it bailed out because it couldn't find a

Now I'm going to turn into a cast iron grouch:

I've no idea why RH/Fedora couldn't have just left my mplayer stuff alone.  
After all, its not your responsibility to see to it that we can never ever 
play a proprietary format media file, but that sure seems to be the unspoken 
but very well enforced intent.  You update stuff like this, knowing full well 
that its going to break 3/4ths of the machines out there, without ever 
checking, just because what you break isn't gpl'd so you officially don't 
care.  WE know what that is, and I just put some of that on my garden & 
tilled it in yesterday & today.

My working mplayer setup has been destroyed now for the THIRD time since I 
installed FC6 on this box.  We are the ones who install this stuff, and we 
are who will be responsible if some copyright organization comes calling.  So 
please, quit trying to protect us from ourselves.

Or do we have to look at the deps list for this stuff, and chattr +i the stuff 
in these lists just to protect ourselves?  Yes, that's being pretty darned 
petty, but so is the existing "let's see what we can break" attitude.

>>-- Rex

Thanks for reading this far.

Cheers, Gene
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