Hello Kaushal,
I hope that you are well. Okay maybe we are going about this the wrong way:
1) How may network interfaces do you have, and which one are you using
for web stuff that you are trying to capture.
2) Try the following tcpdump -vvv -i eth0 port 80
3) Try man tcpdump for further options to refine the command set for
your use.
You are seeing a conversation between dhcp-192-18-68-199.test.com at
port 3118 and it89.hyd.test.com on port 80 I can't really tell what you
are showing me without a full dump giving me only a snippet won't really
You may want to look at "tcpdump -i eth0 -s0 -w mydump.dmp" and
transfer this to your workstation and view in ethereal or using tcpdump
with the -r option to read it again.
Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
Hi Aly
I get
03:55:09.050556 IP dhcp-192-18-68-199.test.com.3118 >
F 1399:1399(0) ack 2062 win 64954
03:55:09.050563 IP it89.hyd.test.com.www >
. ack 1400 win 8576
so what does it indicate since I do not understand this at all
Thanks again for the prompt reply
Thanks and Regards
Aly Dharshi
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