After thinking about this, (and sleeping on it... :-) I am leaning towards a udev problem. Do you have any local rules? Anything besides the standard udev rules? Because it looks like your reader is matching more then one rule, and I would think that if it is a problem in the standard rules, more people would be running into it...
I know nothing of this subject. So, if you're asking if I modified a rule list - definitely not.
I searched the linux websites to learn about it (tldp and LQ); I found some info (but didn't read it yet). Here is the pertinent section (I think) of my /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules:
# usb devices KERNEL=="usb/dabusb*", MODE="0660" KERNEL=="usb/mdc800*", MODE="0660" KERNEL=="usb/rio500", MODE="0660"