Scott van Looy wrote:
Today Matthew Miller did spake thusly:
On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 07:15:36AM -0400, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
Kinda funny how Apple doesn't have this kind of bullshit problem and
their version of 'nix is working fine for everybody. Kinda funny how
Red Hat's profits are down by 25% this last quarter and Ubunto continues
to accelerate.
This is a non sequitur. Apple doesn't care about having a free software
distribution. Sounds like you don't either. Therefore, Fedora is not for
you. That's fine -- please go use a distribution or entirely different
operating system that better suits your needs.
More importantly, Apple licenses software and pays the patent holders
accordingly and then charges its customers for the software...a point
that seems lost on many of you ;)
And unfortunately, even though I suspect that many people would very
much like a legal distribution based on Linux that could include all the
parts necessary to be a viable competitor to Microsoft, the GPL will
always prevent it from happening.
Les Mikesell